

EICC行為守則 v5.0英文版

來源:東莞市引響力企業(yè)管理咨詢有限公司      時間:2021-06-25 22:18:18

EICC(Electronic Industry Code of Conduct)更新了其行為守則,最新版本為5.0,目前只有英文版提供下載。

The EICC Code of Conduct is a set of standards on social, environmental and ethical issues in the electronics industry supply chain.

Code of Conduct

The EICC Code of Conduct is a set of standards on social, environmental and ethical issues in the electronics industry supply chain. The standards set out in the Code of Conduct reference international norms and standards including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, ILO International Labor Standards, OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, ISO and SA standards and many more.

Code Review Process

The EICC Code of Conduct is reviewed every three years to ensure its relevance to international norms and issues members may face in their supply chains. Code of Conduct review processes are extensive (typically one year in duration) and follow an extensive consultation process with members and stakeholders.

The current EICC Code of Conduct, version 5.0, was ratified by EICC full members in 2014.